😎LUKAKU’s 1st Day at CHELSEA!😎 (Inter Milan Transfer 2021)

😎LUKAKU’s 1st Day at CHELSEA!😎 (Inter Milan Transfer 2021)

Romelu Lukaku rejoins his old club for a second ‘first day’!⚽️ Subscribe to 442oons: http://bit.ly/442oonsSUB ⚽️Business Enquiries: 442oons@delkatalents.com The new 442oons app is out now – 442OONS FOOTBALL SHOOTER!👉🏻https://bit.ly/442oonsShooter-Android👉🏻https://bit.ly/442oonsShooter-iOS Book a personalised 442oons video shout-out for you, a family member or a mate…Animated shout-outs👉🏻http://cameo.com/442oonsanimated 👕442oons Merch👉🏻https://teespring.com/stores/442oons 🎧442oons Music🎧Spotify👉🏻https://bit.ly/442unesSpotifyApple Music👉🏻https://bit.ly/442unesiTunes 🏃‍♂️442oons Football Runner!🏃‍♂️Download free now ios👉🏻http://bit.ly/442RUNappDownload…

Chris Jordan’s outstanding fielding | Mumbai Indians

Chris Jordan’s outstanding fielding | Mumbai Indians

𝕃𝕀𝕍𝔼 ⚡️ 𝕎𝕀ℝ𝔼 #OneFamily #MumbaiMeriJaan #MumbaiIndians #IPL2023 Become a part of MI One Family. Like, Comment and Subscribe and make sure to click on the notifications icon. To subscribe, click – https://bit.ly/MIYT_SUB Head to MI shop and get your favourite merch now: https://bit.ly/MI_Shop2 For all the latest news & updates on MI, visit – https://bit.ly/MIYT_WEB…

Robert Lewandowski Wszystkie 101 Goli w Lidze Mistrzów (Polski Komentarz) ᴴᴰ

Robert Lewandowski Wszystkie 101 Goli w Lidze Mistrzów (Polski Komentarz) ᴴᴰ

Zapraszam was do obejrzenia wszystkich 101 goli Roberta Lewandowskiego w Lidze Mistrzów dla Borussi Dortmund, Bayernu Monachium i obecnego klubu FC Barcelony. 27 Listopada Robert ustrzelił swojego 100 gola, a jeszcze w tym samym czasie podbił stawkę do 101. Robert Lewandowski Wszystkie 101 Goli w Lidze Mistrzów (Polski Komentarz) ᴴᴰ Miłego oglądania mordki!
